A boutique agency serving local businesses, with a focus on creating and distributing brand-building content to social and web channels.
eCommerce, Marketing & Branding
Saskatchewan, Canada
Product page templates created
SKUs assigned
Years using GemPages
Dean Gerhardt founder of Gerhardt Studios

Customizing and maintaining a stunning website of over 200,000 SKUs could be a tough nut to crack, but Gerhardt Studios has well handled the job.

Gerhardt Studios - A small agency with a collaborative approach 

Based in Saskatchewan, Canada, Gerhardt Studios - a local boutique agency, is a team of six members: an in-house photographer, a graphic designer, two marketing specialists, Dean Gerhardt, and his wife Nicole.

"Currently, Nicole and I handle customer relationships. She focuses on both the strategic and creative direction of our marketing initiatives, while I spend most of my time managing customer relationships as well as the technical implementation of tools and platforms that we use.” Dean Gerhardt said.

When it comes to the team’s motivation and core values, ‘collaborative’ was the focal point. For every client, the agency works endlessly to provide outstanding solutions: An online experience that ties knowledge, creativity, and expertise together.

Crocus & Ivy Interiors - The case that needs a solution 

Gerhardt’s team needed to build an online store for their client, Crocus & Ivy Interiors - a website representing the brand’s business to the world and social media.

‘A boutique department store specializing in fashion for home, her, and kids’. The client wanted a website that could brilliantly showcase their various collections and products and be simultaneously effortless to manage, adjust, and customize. 

At this point, the quest was set for the Gerhardts: to find a solution that hit all these three targets at once:

  • Customized product pages for hundreds of thousands of items;
  • New designs for the homepage;
  • Holiday or special events store flips customizations.

And on top of all that, the solution should be easy to adopt.

GemPages - The creative tool that allows limitless design flexibility

In search of a solution that can hit all the client’s targets and bypass the limitations of the standard Shopify page builder, the agency chose GemPages.

In the case of GemPages, I would research the different page builders, evaluate the strengths of each one and then select and implement the best tool for our team and client.

For Crocus & Ivy, Dean said the team was using GemPages to solve one major problem that other page builders couldn’t: build customized product pages

We really like how GemPages allows us to create a template page and apply it to different and multiple products.

crocus & ivy Interiors’ collections and products.

Crocus & Ivy Interiors’ various collections and products.

“With over 200,000 SKUs, this would not be practical. Designing 12 templates and applying the templates to the appropriate products is very practical.”


A Crocus & Ivy Interiors’ product page built with GemPages

Dean and his team took advantage of GemPages’ product page template functionality and seamlessly turned numerous items and SKUs into beautiful product pages.

GemPages also enabled the team to easily build and maintain the site structure of Crocus & Ivy’s homepage. By duplicating the page and adding new designs, the brand’s ‘front face’ would always appear lively, fresh, and full of excitement.

In addition, the Gerhardt team utilized GemPages and prepped Crocus & Ivy Interiors homepage for an upcoming Christmas holiday store flip - A countdown timer and a brand-new X-mas section!


A glimpse of Crocus & Ivy Interior’s homepage.

“We work with e-commerce websites the same way we work with social networks - always publishing new creative, so customers get introduced to new and exciting products every time they come to the site.”
The app goes even further benefit-wise. It offers other theme customization compatibility as they would use GemPages to edit the Out of the Sandbox Turbo base theme for their client’s website.
“GemPages will be part of a base stack of apps that allow us to build custom Shopify pages that we can easily modify and continually evolve.”

Incredible support from GemPages

For Gerhardt Studios, the smooth experience of working with the GemPages team has been a pleasure and a key factor that drives them to stick with the app.

For sure, they expect a long-term collaboration with GemPages.
We are a creative design company, and we love that the GemPages support team is quick to help with integrations, CSS changes, and other things that are technically outside the GemPages required scope.” Dean Gerhardt highlighted.

Kudos to a solution that pleases all the creatives

The greatest result Gerhardt Studios achieved using GemPages is that they delivered beyond expectations of what client Crocus & Ivy Interiors demanded. They made their client look awesome!

An honest and heartfelt feedback Crocus & Ivy Interiors left on Gerhardt Studios’ website.

The team will surely have more integrations with the site. Still, from a design-flexibility perspective, they are pleased and sure about one thing:
We find that GemPages allows us to create custom pages, product and collection pages, and bypasses the limitations of the standard page builder in the Shopify App.