By joining the waitlist, you'll receive an announcement email on GemPages v7's launch date. We will also update you with detailed information on GemPages v7's new features and GemAI. Stay tuned!
Sleeker. Smoother. Smarter. Our page builder just got even better with a complete revamp and an AI that will change how you build e-Commerce stores forever. Be the first to get notified of GemPages v7's rollout!
A first-ever AI feature
Do you want your page to look like a specific example? Insert a screenshot or a URL as a reference, with the revolutionary Image to Layout feature, GemPages v7 can generate an editable layout that looks just like your input. All you have to do next is to customize it as you please.
New Editor
Enjoy 4X faster building speed and better experience in every aspect. GemPages v7's revamped UI is our relentless effort to make building effortless for you.
Smoother Drag & Drop.
Improved page loading time.
Better workflow.
Faster to Preview, Save, and Publish.
Friendlier to beginners.
And more.
With a complete overhaul of element design, we made GemPages v7 even more powerful and beginner-friendly.
Element icons re-designed to look just like how they will appear on your page.
Simply type in the search bar to find the specific function you need.
More settings, more versatility, along with a new arrangement for better workflow.
Our new Text Editor Inline gives you more control over text styling. Simply click on a text element and find everything you need laid out intuitively on the toolbar. No extra code needed.
By joining the waitlist, you'll receive an announcement email on GemPages v7's launch date. We will also update you with detailed information on GemPages v7's new features and GemAI. Stay tuned!
If you are an existing GemPages user, you can switch freely between version v6 and v7. Your current data and pages will remain intact. Pages created with different versions will be opened with their respective Editor, though.
You don't need to be a GemPages user to join the waitlist.
To experience v7, however, you need a GemPages account, which is free! Sign up for a Shopify store if you haven't had one. Then add GemPages to your apps. Quick and easy!
Your email is already on the waitlist. Rest assure that you will be among the first to get notified on the rollout. Cheers!