The contest is open to everyone. Contestants will have to fill in the registration form and have a GemPages Affiliate account to be considered eligible.
Win $500 in cash on top of your commission by promoting GemPages!
Start acquiring as many GemPages paid stores as possible now and open up a world of amazing rewards!
Recognition Reward
30% commission for each
paid store
Referees Reward
10% discount on the first
paid monthly plan
Sign up for GemPages Referral Contest in just a few steps.
Sign up for GemPages Affiliates Program
Fill in the Contest
Spread GemPages to your network
Follow our social media for updates
Discover a couple of reasons why you should promote.
Attractive commissions
We offer you a high revenue sharing, up to 50% of recurring commission for every paid store you send our way.
Trusted product
GemPages is the top-ranked Shopify page builders, with over 95% of five-star ratings on the app store
Insider access
Become our affiliate and you will get the chance to acess first-hand GemPages' beta launches, product news, and updates!
The contest is open to everyone. Contestants will have to fill in the registration form and have a GemPages Affiliate account to be considered eligible.
To be eligible for the cash reward, the winner MUST obtain at least 18 paid stores which fall into any of the following pricing plans: Build, Optimize, Enterprise while being the highest amongst all contestants.
The result will be announced via email. The winner has up to 03 working days to confirm via email. The cash reward will be forfeited to the next qualified contestant if the winner fails to respond within the above time frame and/or fails to comply with the terms and conditions herein.
The cash reward will be paid within 07 working days via Paypal/Payoneer after the Contest result is announced.
You can learn more about our GemPages Affiliate Program here.
If you have more questions, you can reach out to us at
Join the contest today to crush your money goals!