GemPages is an app for Shopify stores.

Build, customize, optimize any page. Now with AI. 

GemPages is the top-ranked page builder empowering merchants like you to build pages faster and smarter. No coding.

15% off all monthly plans for users making the first payment

From Oct 1st to Dec 31st 2023.

Discount applied automatically at checkout.

Require a Shopify store

GemPages Referral Contest

GemPages helped create over 2,100,000 pages for 165,000+ merchants and brands.

Build, customize, optimize pages in minutes, not weeks with GemPages

Launch effective landing pages for any purpose
Launch effective landing pages for any purpose
Launch effective landing pages for any purpose
Launch effective landing pages for any purpose
Launch effective landing pages for any purpose

The Most Intuitive Visual Editor

With our drag-and-drop Editor and 100+ sales & marketing elements, you can effortlessly customize your pages to create eye-catching, unique branded pages that will captivate customers.

Launch effective landing pages for any purpose

AI-Powered Image-to-Layout

Our revolutionary AI feature helps you convert images and URLs into editable layouts in a snap, streamlining your workflow

Launch effective landing pages for any purpose

Responsive Design

Pages created by GemPages are responsive by default and can be styled for different devices including desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Launch effective landing pages for any purpose

Custom Coding

Optimized for code-savvy users, especially freelancers. Fine-tune pages your way by adding blocks of your own code.

Launch effective landing pages for any purpose


Discover a wealth of resources at GemAcademy, offering both fundamental and advanced materials, courses, and exclusive discount codes designed specifically for GemPages users.

Launch effective landing pages for any purpose

15% off all monthly plans for users making the first payment

From Oct 1st to Dec 31st 2023.

Discount applied automatically at checkout.

Join 165,000+ Merchants and Build Pages

Faster and Smarter!

80+ templates for diverse business purposes 

Choose from our extensive library of CRO-driven templates to create professional pages with ease.

Black Friday Deal: 15% off all monthly plans

Exclusively for users making any first payment from Oct 1 to Dec 31, 2023 UTC.

It's about making it easier for new entrepreneurs like you to tap into our premium perks & launch your business faster. Terms & Conditions



$24.65 / month

until Dec 31, 2023

Ideal for online retailers, marketers, and dropshippers looking to customize pages faster and streamline campaign creation

Limited Offer

Everything in Free, plus

Unlimited published pages

Image-to-Layout: 300 sections per month 

Popup element

Access to GemAcademy Premium


  • Live chat and email support

  • GemAcademy Premium Materials & Discount Bundles



$50.15 / month

until Dec 31, 2023

Designed for teams and growing businesses focused on optimizing store resources and fueling growth.

Limited Offer

Everything in Free, plus

Unlimited page types

Image-to-Layout: Unlimited sections per month


  • Priority Live Chat Support



$169.15 / month

until Dec 31, 2023

For scaling businesses, with a strong emphasis on high-priority support from the GemPages Team.

Limited Offer

Everything in Free, plus

All Unlimited Features


  • Video Call Support

What Took You Weeks, Now Takes Minutes

Tap into the power of GemPages today to build pages faster and smarter

15% off all monthly plans for users making the first payment

From Oct 1st to Dec 31st 2023.

Discount applied automatically at checkout.

Convert visitors into customers

Take customer experience to the next level by integrating powerful features and tools from 80+ top third-party apps.

Shopify partners

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Created with GemPages.

Built with GemPages