This Contest is open worldwide to everyone. Employees of GemPages, however, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
From 06 to 20 Sep, 2023
The brief is simple - Use GemPages' AI feature Image-to-layout to generate layouts from an image or URL, and design pages that blow away our minds!
in cash
01 month of GemPages Optimize
GemPages' Choice Award
For the entry chose by GemPages' panel of judges
in cash
02 months of GemPages Optimize
Community's Choice Award
For the entry with the highest number of comments and interactions in our Facebook Community
in cash
01 month of GemPages Optimize
Holiday Spotlight Award
For the entry with the trendiest design chosen by GemPages' panel of judges
01. Sign up
Sign up for the contest via the link below. Sign up
02. Design with Image-to-Layout
Use our AI-powered Image-to-layout feature to design your page.
03. Submit your entry
Join GemPages' Facebook Community and submit your entry via the link in the pinned post. Each participant is allowed only one entry, and make sure to keep the link to your entry active until October 15th, 2023. Join our Community
04. Win over our Community
After we present your submission in the Community, reach out to fellow members, asking for their likes and comments. These interactions will put you in the running for the Community's Choice award!
11:00 PM UTC Sep 6, 2023 - 3:59 AM UTC Sep 20, 2023
Voting & Assessment
Until Sep 27, 2023
Sep 28, 2023 - Oct 06, 2023
This Contest is open worldwide to everyone. Employees of GemPages, however, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
If you are currently using GemPages v6 or if you're a new user, you should create a new Shopify account and install GemPages v7 to begin your design journey. On the other hand, if you're already using GemPages v7, you can dive right into designing as soon as you sign up.
Image-to-Layout is the first AI feature developed by GemAI - GemPages' powerful artificial intelligence engine that aims to revolutionize e-Commerce store owners' experience. It helps users to turn URLs and images into editable layouts with just a few clicks. Read more here
Join GemPages' Facebook Community and submit your entry via the link in the pinned post. Each participant is allowed only one entry, and make sure to keep the link to your entry active until October 15th, 2023.
To be eligible for the Community's Choice Award, your entry must earn the highest number of likes and comments on your designated Facebook Community post. In case there are two entries with the same number of likes and comments, the contestant who makes the earlier submission wins.
GemPages shall appoint a panel of judges who shall assess and determine the winning entry. The decision of the panel is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
This award is for the entry that features a holiday trending theme and impresses the Gempages panel of judges most.
The result of the Contest will be informed to winners within three days after. The winner has up to 07 days to confirm via email. The cash reward will be forfeited to the next qualified contestant if the winner fails to respond within the above time frame and/or fails to comply with the terms and conditions herein.
The cash reward will be paid within 07 working days via Paypal/Payoneer after the Contest result is announced.
If you have more questions, you can reach out to us at
Join the contest and design your pages faster and smarter now!