GemPages provides a wide range of ready-to-use elements and advanced settings designed to maximize conversions and simplify page-building
Product promotion & selling
GemPages draws insights from top eCommerce brands to set high standards. Our CRO expertise defines what high-converting pages need, making it easy for you to achieve them.
Product bundles (Volume discount displays)
Post-purchase upsell elements
Copy coupon code
Urgency & scacity
Elements that create a sense of immediacy, encouraging visitors to take action before the opportunity passes.
Countdown timer
Limited stock indicators (Stock counter)
Conversion-driven CTAs
Strategically placed calls-to-action that guide users towards the next steps, making it easy and appealing to convert.
Add to cart buttons with custom styles
Sticky CTA buttons
Customizable product detail element
Aesthetic & visual hierarchy
Design-focused elements that enhance readability and flow, helping users find essential information quickly and intuitively.
Carousel & slideshow
Customizable hero banner
Parallax banner
Icon list (to display product USPs)
Building trust
Features that enhance credibility, helping visitors feel secure in making a purchase by showcasing reliability and authenticity.
Customer testimonials and reviews
Delivery date (Estimated shipping time)
Image comparison (Before/After)
Social proof
Tools that display customer activity and preferences, reassuring potential buyers by showing that others have chosen your products.
Embedded video elements
Product label (Popular or best-seller tags)
Marquee element (used for “Featured in” or “As seen on” sections)
User engagement
Sections focused on showcasing additional products or bundles, increasing average order value through targeted offers.