Discover real success stories with GemPages! Our case studies showcase how online stores achieved higher sales, broader reach, and maximized ROI, AOV, CR.
By showcasing artwork imagery and optimizing page loading speed with GemPages, An Act of Dog converts more donations to accelerate their life-saving mission.
By showcasing artwork imagery and optimizing page loading speed with GemPages, An Act of Dog converts more donations to accelerate their life-saving mission.
Leveraging GemPages customization mastery to create over 40 pages, Hystar doubled the conversion rate and increased the total number of orders shipped worldwide.
Blue Coolers has taken advantage of GemPages to build a brand-centric storefront that effectively communicates their brand story without spending a fortune.
By showcasing artwork imagery and optimizing page loading speed with GemPages, An Act of Dog converts more donations to accelerate their life-saving mission.
Acknowledging the power of content marketing, Skin Matter focused on creating blog posts with GemPages, which resulted in a 105% increase in conversion rate.
Wine Passions has utilized GemPages to create over 65 pages containing information about the products and brand, spreading their message to a broader audience.