Learn Shopify Splash Page vs. Landing Page: What Are Key Differences?

Splash Page vs. Landing Page: What Are Key Differences?

GemPages Team
6 minutes read
Splash Page vs. Landing Page: What Are Key Differences?

When you run an online business, splash pages and landing pages can be really helpful. But sometimes, people mix up these terms. Don't worry; you're in the right place. 

This blog will explain the big differences between landing pages and splash pages and how they can strengthen your online presence.

What is a Landing Page?

Landing pages are standalone web pages designed to drive visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for an event, or filling out a form to access valuable resources. They play a pivotal role in marketing campaigns and usually contain persuasive content and tailored components based on their purpose.

Learn more: How to Create A Striking Landing Page on Shopify

What is a Splash Page?

A splash page is a single-page website that serves as a simple entry point, much like a landing page. It’s the first thing visitors see before they move on to the main website or online store.

Splash pages are often used to highlight a specific product, event, service, or promotion, depending on what you want visitors to notice. The design of your splash page is important—it can either help attract new customers or, if not appealing, quickly push them away.

Splash Page vs Landing Page: What Are The Differences?

So, what are the key differences between a Splash page and a Landing page?

Splash pages - they're like the appetizers of the web world—enticing, but not the main course. They catch your eye with visuals and require little action. Now, landing pages - those are the sales champs. Standalone and persuasive, they're all about conversions, making them the MVPs for online success.

Let's simplify things further by summarizing these distinctions in the table below:

Key Point

Splash Page

Landing Page


Briefly introduce the brand, show a disclaimer, or require visitors to verify information

Drive conversions: purchase, sign-up, etc.


Brief and concise, usually a single page

More comprehensive, includes multiple sections


Emphasizes branding and intro

Focuses on the offer and CTA


Limited or none

Specific and conversion-focused

Testing and Optimization

Less likely to be exposed to A/B testing

Frequently exposed to A/B testing and conversion monitoring to enhance their performance


Minimal impact on SEO

Can be optimized for engine rankings

In short: a splash page is a gateway to your main site, while a landing page is meant to get visitors to take action, like in an ad campaign.

The Power of Splash Pages and Landing Pages for Your Online Shopify Store

Splash and landing pages may serve different functions, but both are crucial for your online store’s success.

Landing pages are all about conversions. Their focused design helps boost conversion rates, making them perfect for marketing campaigns. Research from HubSpot shows that businesses with 30 or more landing pages get seven times more leads than those with fewer than 10.

Splash pages create a powerful first impression, crafting a tailored experience. They’re especially useful for brands with restricted products or global brands needing to customize the customer journey.

Both splash and landing pages are key tools for online stores. To get the most out of them, align their design with your specific goals and resources.

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Shopify Landing Page and Splash Page Examples

Landing Page Examples from Real Shopify Stores

The Brick

The landing page from The Brick is a prime example of how to create a landing page for your seasonal campaign, especially if you have a vast product catalog. They've grouped their wide range of furniture into different categories for seamless browsing and made those special deals pop with vibrant colors. 

Even though they use more images than words, they manage to tell customers everything they need to know about their products and the fantastic deals on offer. It's a visual treat that works wonders for engaging customers.

The Brick’s landing page

The Brick presents all their Black Friday deals on a landing page

Learn more: GemPages Conversion-Driven Elements: A Comprehensive Guide


Topicals’ landing page

Topicals’ landing page showcases their skin exfoliator product

Sephora's fastest-growing skincare brand created a landing page specifically dedicated to their Soft Touch Body Duo - an exfoliation product. 

Topicals aced the product game by shouting out loud their product is science-backed and suitable for every shade of skin. It is even a greener light for potential buyers when all ingredients, values, and reviews of the product are clearly demonstrated so that customers know they're getting top-notch goodness.

Topicals’ landing page focuses on their product

Topicals’ landing page is dedicated to demonstrating the product’s quality and why people should purchase their body exfoliator

Your landing pages could look like these
Try GemPages for free to create high-converting landing pages for any marketing campaign. No coding is required.


UGREEN’s landing page

UGREEN’s landing page includes detailed information and has an impressive, on-brand design

UGREEN's landing page puts the spotlight on their star product, the Nexode RG Series. It's like a grand showcase of all the awesome things this product can do, and they've spiced it up with some cool animation effects. Plus, they really care about helping you choose the right model, so they've added a detailed comparison table that shows the differences between the two options.

What's super useful is that as visitors scroll down, that "Buy Now" button stays right there, making shopping a breeze for them and boosting conversion. 

Pro tips: If you want to create your own awesome landing page, a fantastic tool like GemPages makes it as easy as pie. You can drag, drop, and customize all kinds of stuff like the "Add to Cart" bar, comparison tables, forms, and pop-ups in no time.

Splash Page Examples from Real Shopify Stores


Asphalte’s splash page

Asphalte’s splash page is simple yet aesthetically pleasing

Asphalte's splash page is a masterclass in simplicity and style. With just two images and a logo, they manage to capture the sheer elegance of their products. 

And they give you a choice right upfront – you can either click "Homme" to explore the men's collection or "Femme" to dive into the world of women's clothing. It's all about making your shopping experience a breeze. 

Kim Crawford

Kim Crawford’s splash page

Kim Crawford’s splash page requires visitors to verify their age

Check out Kim Crawford's splash page, where they take age verification seriously. When you land on their website, the first thing that pops up is a screen politely requesting your age. It's a common sight for stores that sell age-restricted products like alcohol.

The splash page rocks a minimalistic design, with a background image featuring their exquisite wine collection. It's all about staying in line with the law while keeping it classy.


Polar's splash page

Polar's splash page asks visitors to confirm their current location

Polar's splash page is all about making sure you're in the right place. When you land on their site, you'll be greeted by a friendly message asking to confirm your location. It's a nifty way for brands to direct you to a version of their site with the right language and currency.

Supercharge Your Online Success with GemPages

Your website is your stage, landing pages are the stars, and splash pages are the grand opening act. When these elements work together, your online success takes off. Whether you're a new startup, a seasoned blogger, or an eCommerce pro, mastering landing and splash pages can elevate your results.

If you're on Shopify, GemPages can be your secret weapon. This top-rated page builder offers an AI-powered Image-to-Layout feature, over 200+ templates for every niche and an easy drag-and-drop editor to make page-building quick and smart. Plus, GemPages is running Black Friday giveaways, offering 20% off your first three months! Now’s the time to create stunning store pages and landing pages that truly stand out with GemPages.

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No problem! Get started with GemPages' free plan. Explore wonderful features that can do wonders for your store.


Is a landing page and a splash page the same thing?
No, a landing page and a splash page are not the same. Landing pages are designed for specific marketing goals and conversions, while splash pages are typically introductory and focus on making an impression.
What is considered a landing page?
A standalone web page designed to capture visitors' attention, present a specific product or service, and encourage them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Check out some landing page examples in this article.
What is considered a splash page?
A splash page is an introductory web page that precedes the main content of a website, often used to make a visual impression or convey important announcements but not focused on specific conversions. Check out some splash page examples in this article.
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