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Shopify General Stores: A Comprehensive Guide to Give Your Business a Jumpstart

GemPages Team
8 minutes read
shopify general store

Are you ready for the world of eCommerce with Shopify? Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, creating a Shopify general store can be an excellent way to kickstart your business journey. 

In this guide, we'll explore what Shopify general stores are, their benefits, top free themes to kickstart your store's design, inspiring examples and how to get started. Let's dive in!

What are Shopify General Stores?

Shopify general stores are versatile online retail that offer a wide range of products across various categories. 

Unlike niche stores that focus on specific products or audiences, general stores cater to a broad customer base by offering diverse product selections. From fashion and beauty to gadgets and home decor, Shopify general stores provide shoppers with an extensive array of options to explore.

Why Should You Consider a Shopify General Store?

1. Attracts a Wide Customer Base

One of the key advantages of running a Shopify general store is its ability to attract a diverse audience. With a broad product range, you can appeal to customers with varying interests and preferences. Whether someone is looking for trendy apparel or unique gifts, your store can serve as a one-stop destination for their shopping needs.

2. Builds Brand Loyalty

Shopify general stores can enhance your relation with the customers, which can build brand loyalty. These stores build strong connections with customers by offering different products and great service. By offering a diverse range of products and exceptional customer service, these stores can cultivate strong relationships with their customers. For instance, a Shopify general store that sells a variety of eco-friendly products may attract environmentally conscious consumers. As these customers discover the quality and reliability of the store's offerings, they are more likely to become repeat buyers and advocates for the brand. 

Plus, Shopify stores can easily adapt to what customers want, like adding new products. This shows they care about their customers and keeps them loyal. For example, a store that initially focuses on home decor may expand its product range to include kitchen accessories in response to customer demand.

3. Provides Opportunities for Cross-Selling

With a Shopify general store, you can leverage cross-selling strategies to increase your average order value. By recommending complementary products or accessories to customers based on their purchase history or browsing behavior, you can encourage them to add more items to their cart, thereby boosting your sales and revenue.

Unlike niche stores that may be limited by specific trends or seasonal fluctuations, Shopify general stores have the flexibility to adapt to changing market dynamics. For instance, let's consider a niche store that specializes in selling only winter sports equipment. While this niche may experience high demand during the winter season, it could struggle to attract customers during the off-season months. In contrast, a Shopify general store that offers a variety of products, such as clothing, accessories, and home decor, can maintain consistent sales throughout the year by catering to different consumer needs and preferences.

Whether it's incorporating new product categories or adjusting your marketing strategies, you can pivot your store's offerings to capitalize on emerging trends and consumer demands. For example, suppose you run a Shopify general store that primarily sells fitness apparel. With the rising popularity of at-home workouts, you might decide to expand your product range to include home gym equipment and accessories. By doing so, you not only cater to the evolving needs of your customers but also position your store as a one-stop destination for all their fitness needs.

Best Free Shopify Themes for General Store

When it comes to setting up your Shopify general store, choosing the right theme is crucial for creating an inviting and user-friendly online shopping experience. 

Fortunately, Shopify offers a plethora of free themes designed to meet the diverse needs of eCommerce store owners. Here, we've curated a list of the top 5 free Shopify themes that are perfectly suited for general stores:


Simple yet versatile, Refresh is an excellent choice for new store owners looking to showcase their products effectively. 

Its clean and modern design features a customizable homepage layout, allowing you to highlight your best-selling items and promotions. With its user-friendly navigation and responsive design, this theme ensures a seamless browsing experience for your customers across desktop and mobile devices.

A screenshot of Refresh Shopify theme.


Sleek and stylish, Sense is ideal for general stores that want to make a bold statement. 

This theme offers a dynamic grid layout that beautifully showcases your product images, making it perfect for visually appealing product displays. With customizable sections for featured collections, testimonials, and blog posts, Sense empowers you to create a unique and engaging storefront that captivates your audience.

A screenshot of Sense Shopify theme.


Designed with larger product catalogs in mind, Craft is perfect for general stores with a diverse range of offerings. Its dynamic homepage layout allows you to feature multiple product collections, promotions, and content sections, ensuring that every visitor finds something of interest. With customizable sidebar menus and navigation options, the theme provides an intuitive browsing experience that encourages exploration and discovery.

A screenshot of Craft Shopify theme.v


If you're looking to create a visually stunning storefront that grabs attention, Crave is the perfect choice. This theme features fullscreen image and video backgrounds that create a captivating visual impact, making it ideal for showcasing your products in all their glory. With customizable content sections and a minimalist design aesthetic, Crave allows your products to take center stage while providing a memorable shopping experience for your customers.

A screenshot of Crave Shopify theme.

Pro tip: Instead of using long, boring sections of text, eCommerce businesses are now using video landing pages to stand out from the crowd.


As the name suggests, Spotlight offers a clean and elegant design that puts the focus squarely on your products. With its simple layout and streamlined navigation, this theme ensures a frictionless shopping experience for your customers. 

Whether you're selling fashion, home decor, or electronics, Spotlight provides a versatile canvas for showcasing your products effectively while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

A screenshot of Spotlight Shopify theme.

Best Pre-built Templates for Shopify General Stores 

GemPages, one of the recommended Shopify landing page builders, provides you with a wide range of prebuilt templates and page sections so that you can create, customize, and optimize your Shopify store quickly and intelligently. Check out the most recommended templates in GemPages below to make your storefront building less daunting.

  • Lady Boutique: This template is extremely suitable for the homepage because it includes all the elements needed for an appealing and effective homepage design.
  • Kitchenware: This collection page template is recommended because it offers very clean and clear navigation for a wide range of listed products.
  • Velocity Bike: If you are looking for a fast way to design your product detail page with a comprehensive layout, you should not overlook this template. In addition to the basic elements required for this type of page, it includes conversion-driven elements such as a countdown timer.

These templates are designed for the most commonly used page types. For additional page type designs, you can explore GemPages' template library.

A screenshot of GemPages’ templates library.

Important note: GemPages' is now offering Mother & Father's Day promotion: 20% Off Monthly Plans. It is exclusively for first-time GemPages users! From April 1 to June 30, 2024, UTC. Grab it now!!!

Not ready to commit but still want to kick the tires?
No problem! Get started with GemPages' free plan. Explore wonderful features that can do wonders for your store.

Best 5 Shopify General Stores for Your Inspiration in 2024

To inspire your Shopify journey, here are 5 successful general stores that can provide great inspiration for both business ideas and storefront design in 2024:

1. Drinks Records

Drink Records is a Shopify general store renowned for its collection of famous records from well-known artists, accompanied by the convenience of enjoying drinks both offline and online. The store's simple yet distinctive layout ensures easy navigation, directing visitors to the hottest record selections. Customers can browse top records while sipping on their favorite beverages, whether they're at the offline bar or shopping online. 

A screenshot of Drinks Records’ homepage.

Drink Records has a simple layout that makes it easy to find the best records. You'll quickly spot the latest hits or classic favorites thanks to the clear navigation. Whether you're into chart-toppers or timeless tunes, finding what you want is a breeze. Plus, the homepage showcases the top records, inviting you to dig deeper and discover new additions to your music collection. It's a fun mix of music and drinks that's sure to please both music lovers and beverage enthusiasts.

2. Donsje

Specializing in clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers, Donsje is a Shopify general store that offers a charming selection of items perfect for little ones. In addition to individual pieces, the store curates gift sets, providing convenient options for those seeking thoughtful presents for baby showers or birthdays.

The footer section of Donsje's website is meticulously organized, featuring detailed links to important pages such as the legal page, FAQs page, and more. This clear and comprehensive footer enhances the user experience by providing easy access to essential information and policies.

A screenshot of Donsje’s footer.

Donsje's categories are thoughtfully curated and clearly defined, making it effortless for customers to navigate through the extensive range of products. With well-organized categories, the store ensures a seamless browsing experience for visitors, enabling them to find exactly what they're looking for in this Shopify general store dedicated to babies and toddlers.

A screenshot of Donsje’s navigation bar.

3. Daylily Paris

Daylily Paris is another Shopify general store in this list that you should not overlook. This store focuses on maternity needs, offering products for both pre and postnatal periods to support expectant and new mothers. In addition to individual items, the store offers curated gift sets, providing thoughtful options for baby showers and new parent gifts.

The store's attention to detail is evident in its clear trust badges section, which underscores its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. By prominently displaying trust badges, Daylily Paris instills confidence in customers, reassuring them of the reliability and authenticity of its products.

A screenshot of Daylily Paris’s homepage.

Daylily Paris further solidifies its reputation by proudly showcasing its features in reputable press outlets. By highlighting media mentions from trusted sources, such as magazines or online publications, the store demonstrates its credibility and reinforces its position as a trusted resource for maternity essentials. Through these strategies, Daylily Paris establishes itself as a reputable and trustworthy destination for expectant and new mothers seeking high-quality products and reliable information.

A screenshot of Daylily Paris’s homepage.4. Evita Peroni Store 

Evita Peroni is a Shopify general store specializing in a wide range of hair accessories, offering everything from hair clips to headbands. In addition to individual accessories, the store provides curated sets perfect for gifting, making it easy for customers to find the perfect present for loved ones.

The homepage of Evita Peroni features a visually striking hero banner with a slider design, showcasing the beauty of the products alongside flash sales and promotion information. This attention-grabbing feature not only highlights the store's offerings but also encourages visitors to explore further and take advantage of special deals.

A screenshot of Evita Peroni’s hero banner.

On the product listing page, Evita Peroni's clear and efficient filter system enhances the user experience by allowing customers to easily navigate through the extensive collection of hair accessories. As a Shopify general store with a diverse range of products, implementing such a user-friendly filter system is crucial for ensuring seamless browsing and enhancing customer satisfaction.

A screenshot of Evita Peroni’s product listing page.

5. Aphrodite’s Casa 

Looking for inspiration to sell decor? Aphrodite’s Casa is a good example for your Shopify general store. With a focus on providing unique and thoughtful gifts, Aphrodite’s Casa curates collections based on intentions rather than generic product types, such as the "Inspired by Love" collection tailored for couples and family relationships.

Using micro copies strategically, Aphrodite’s Casa intrigues users to engage by naming collections with evocative themes. For instance, the "Inspired by Love" collection sparks curiosity and emotional resonance, drawing customers to explore further and find the perfect gift for their loved ones.

A screenshot of Aphrodite’s Casa’s collections.

The store goes above and beyond in providing informative and comprehensive product descriptions, ensuring customers have a thorough understanding of each item's features, materials, and intended use. By prioritizing transparency and clarity, Aphrodite’s Casa enhances the shopping experience, instilling confidence in customers' purchasing decisions while establishing itself as a trusted source for quality decor and gifts.

A screenshot of an Aphrodite’s Casa’s product description.

How to Start Your Shopify General Store

Now that you're inspired, it's time to turn your Shopify general store dream into a reality. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1. Choose a General Store Name for Shopify

Your store's name is the cornerstone of your brand identity. When brainstorming general store names for Shopify, consider keywords related to your niche, audience, or the type of products you'll be selling. Aim for a name that is catchy, memorable, and reflects the essence of your brand.

Learn more: How to Change Shopify Store Name in 5 Easy Steps

Step 2. Sign Up for a Shopify Account

Head to the Shopify website and sign up for an account. Follow the prompts to set up your store, including choosing a domain name, selecting a theme, and configuring your store settings.

Step 3. Customize Your Store Design

Select a theme from Shopify's theme store or use a pre-built template that aligns with your brand aesthetic. You can find pre-built templates and stylish sections using GemPages. And then, you should customize your store's design by adding your logo, branding colors, and high-quality images of your products.

Step 4. Add Products to Your Store

Start adding products to your store by uploading product images, writing compelling descriptions, and setting prices. Organize your products into categories to make it easy for customers to browse and find what they're looking for.

Step 5. Set Up Payment and Shipping Options

Configure your payment and shipping settings to ensure a seamless checkout experience for your customers. Choose from Shopify's integrated payment gateways or third-party payment providers, and set up shipping rates based on your preferred carriers and delivery methods.

Step 6. Launch Your Store

Once you've completed the setup process and double-checked everything, it's time to launch your Shopify general store! Share your store's link on social media, reach out to friends and family, and start promoting your brand to attract your first customers.

Shopify General Store - Conclusion

Shopify general stores offer a versatile and accessible platform for aspiring store owners to launch their eCommerce ventures. With the right strategy, design, and product selection, you can create a successful online store that attracts customers, builds brand loyalty, and generates revenue. So, roll up your sleeves, unleash your creativity, and let your Shopify general store with the help of GemPages, making the journey less daunting, faster and smarter.


Ready to elevate your Shopify storefront?
Take your storefront to the next level with GemPages page builder. Free plan available. Upgrade as you scale.

FAQs about Shopify General Stores

What is a general store on Shopify?
Shopify general stores are online retail that offer a wide range of products across various categories.
What to sell in a general store?
Some general stores still carry traditional merchandise such as wooden toys, nails sold from large bins and inexpensive candy, according to Cheapism. Canning jars, gardening supplies and sewing notions also rest on many general stores' shelves.
Is owning a Shopify store profitable?
Yes. Shopify store owners can significantly increase their profits with dedication and strategic planning.

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